Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG)

Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) is a non invasive method of recording, measuring and analyses the brains electrical activity.

During the QEEG process  a surgical type cape with sensors is worn by the client and each of the sensors captures the electrical signals produced by neural activity within the brain. The collected EEG data is than processed digitally and stored for later artifacting (removal of data segments contaminated by eye or muscle movement) and analysed. once this process is completed the results can be shown Graphically by topographic brain maps.

The QEEG gives us pictures of your activity. This allows us to see your pattern of mental strengths and weaknesses. It allows us to pinpoint areas of the brain where there is too little or too much activity and areas of the brain that are not engaging how they should be.

In our clinic we use state of the art recording systems and analysis methods to compare your results with large international normative data bases. If there is a deviation then appropriate training and therapy recommendations are made using best practise established from years of scientific research.

Repeated QEEG assessments are completed to monitor treatment progress and symptom change when clients are undertaking training with Neurotherapy.

It is important to understand that a QEEG  is not the same as a clinical EEG which is used in medical diagnosis  to evaluate epilepsy or determine if there is serious brain pathology, such as a tumor or dementia. Innovation Psychology does not use EEG or QEEG  to make medical diagnoses. QEEG will be used to evaluate the manner in which a person’s brain functions and to help developing an appropriate remediation plan to correct, normalise and or improve abnormal brain functioning and reduce problem behavioural and psychological symptoms.


Absolule Power